Also a automated engineering major. I absolutely like how the book explains the approach abaft calefaction transfer, it is actual abundant and clear, shows derivations, and altered cases. When it gets to alteration it offers derivations of the navier-stokes equations online. However it has few examples and I begin I had to accumulate traveling through the capacity to amount out the homework, which is accomplished but affectionate of annoying and time consuming. I accept that it is a circuitous topic, but they can at atomic action a bit added examples so acceptance can accept the homework, and maybe some answers, at atomic odd or even. (my accomplished chic complained about the book to the professor, cogent him it was absurd and that the calefaction alteration book by Cengel was better. I anticipate this is a capital acumen the prof's aces it. Also no band-aid chiral accessible to students.). When it comes to actual this book has added compared to Cengel's, which is ambiguous on theory. Overall any book by the Wiley publishing aggregation will a lot of acceptable accept no answers or solutions manual. Just capital to add that. If I anytime become a assistant I will never anytime put that cool austere appearance on my students. I accept it hurts learning. My rating. 3 stars
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